Philosophy of Care

Our mission is to advance and expand mental health services for women. This means understanding the different seasons women navigate during their lifespan. We believe having access to care should be simple and accommodating. Our mission extends to advancing women in the mental health field as professionals by offering sound and committed clinical supervision to aspiring therapists.

Guiding Lantern is where connection, true belonging and wholehearted healing become one.
— Gladys J. Sanchez

Guided by Ethics

Our commitment to the healing of our clients is above standard. Keeping ethical morals at the forefront, Guiding Lantern is a committed and trusted provider.

Therapists at Guiding Lantern specialize in an array of issues that affect women. Guiding Lantern therapists have a Master’s degree from an accredited counseling program, are licensed by the Texas State Board of Examiner for Professional Counselors, and have additional certifications. Additionally, Guiding Lantern therapist continuously and regularly engage in training both independently and collectively.

Therapists at Guiding Lantern have a personal calling to their work and to the identity of "helper". When the course of our lives takes us through darkness let us never venture there without the light of guidance. Guiding Lantern is where connection, true belonging and wholehearted healing become one.

Don’t wait until all the conditions are perfect for you to begin.
— Alan Cohen

The Therapeutic Journey

Guiding Lantern serves adult women who live in Texas. In treatment, we believe that it is critical to begin with exploring with the intent to gain and create awareness of your presenting concern. After creating a solid foundation of awareness and insight, through in-depth self-reflection, we can then create change that rests on keen knowledge. It is, to us, how change then becomes a lifestyle of wellness.